Thursday, August 10, 2006

Finally in Texas

Well, we finally got to Texas. I felt like we were in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory with all the brown rivers. I so almost tried the water to see if it was chocolate. But some of the area was nice. This picture is from southern Utah and it is the Colorado River.

I was very surprised at all the hills along the way. I was starting to get disappointed about my hopes of seeing flat land once we got to Texas. but finally, about a hundred miles from Laughlin AFB, my dreams were finally met...see first picture (I haven't figured out how to arrange these pictures in order yet)!
The trip wasn't bad. It rained most of the time and we actually had to stop on the interstate because it was raining so hard (in Texas). We were right in the middle of all the flooding in El Paso.

Anyway, we made it. That is when everything started going wrong. We have been searching for days for a house. They won't let me stay in the dorms because I am married, but they won't let me stay in base housing because my wife isn't living with me full time. So I am left with looking for a place in a town that makes Caldwell look like Malibu. I am hoping to get an apartment soon that is still pretty scary. I got to run, but I just wanted to let everyone know we made it and we are doing well. I will post once I get a place to stay. I say that because we can't stay in the base hotel any more because of limited space. Talk to you all soon!

P.S. Did I mention that it is over 100 degrees everyday and the humidity is above 80%? Yeah, such lovely weather...I honestly have never sweat so much...and I lived in Florida for six months.


At Tuesday, August 15, 2006 8:16:00 AM, Blogger Brand-O said...

Just so you know, to move pics around you just left click and hold on the pic then move it wherever you want. Good pics by the way!
Hope you have a place to live now. Sounds like it's been pretty lame-tastic in that department.

At Saturday, August 19, 2006 2:01:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dreamer, Here is some of that support your talking about. and I'm not talking about that large athletic supporter I loaned you. As we all know you don't need a large athletic supporter. Chin up and keep moving forward. We all know you will do great.


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