Sunday, June 06, 2010

I Have An Announcement

Well, another interesting week. More of the and downs. I failed my first flight and I also had my best flight. The flying is starting to go better, with little mistakes (ok, some big ones) getting less and less. I really only have a week or so left of flying, depending on how they schedule everything, so I still feel very unprepared for the next phase. But, it is what it is. Here is a picture from a sandbag flight I had this last week. This is "route" formation and is a more relaxed formation than other pictures you have seen in other posts. We also fly a lot of formation at quite a greater distance, but it is very hard to see in pictures and the only time the other jets get close is when we are turning into each other and well, if you have two jets going 400MPH and passing each other, you can do the math at closer rates, but "long story short" you have to be pretty quick on the camera draw.
It is getting pretty hot and humid down here, which makes it a great time for our air conditioning to go out at our house. It is mid 80s in the house and we are dying. We are hoping to get someone out here Monday to check it out, because the homeowner is in Costa Rica until the middle of the month. We have found some places that have free air conditioning, like the mall...but then you all know me and my turns out that the air conditioning costs are very similar to four shirts, three shorts, and a pair of shoes. Oh, and I let Candi buy a hair clip. It wasn't the one she wanted, but it was on sale. She can't just spend money like it grows on trees.

Other than that, we haven't been doing too much. We have started cooling off in our neighborhood (emphasis on the "hood" part) pool, which is a life saver with our AC inop. We mowed our weeds this weekend, which is a whole saga in itself. We have to rent a lawn mower and weed eater from the base and it is like them giving us a rusty butter knife and a piece of twine to slap at the weeds with at approximately one revolution every minute. Their equipment doesn't quite run at full speed...or even half speed for that matter. I think somewhere in between me devising a pulley system to get the stupid mower up our steep backyard and me putting down the weed eater and just pulling all the weeds by hand, I realized that for another $10 I could give the whole fun over to a teenager that needs the money.

Candi continues to work and things are well. She is really enjoying the sweating while sitting and watching TV and is really hoping for a hot few days until they get our AC fixed. Other than that, not much new news here. See you next time!

Oh, and the announcement is that we are going to be having a baby. No big deal.


At Sunday, June 06, 2010 9:49:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, to this "GRANDMA" it is a big deal. I'm so excited!! Now I can share in all the "grandma" stories that abound with my walking partners! Thanks for giving me something to talk about!! Mother

At Monday, June 07, 2010 2:08:00 PM, Blogger Jeff and Jennifer Kern said...

I will admit you're blog is very entertaining and quite humorous! The visual you gave about the weed wacker and the butter knife was priceless! I'm still giggling! CONGRATS to you two!!!! We are so excited for you and can't wait to meet baby Presley... You guys are going to be such great parents! And I think you should take Candi shopping and buy her more than a hairclip for carrying your child! You know, go crazy.

At Monday, June 07, 2010 4:10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo!!! That is cool!! congratulations!!

At Monday, June 07, 2010 8:25:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its cool being the best looking Grandpa the good Lord ever made, can't wait to take my grandson fishing. Good timing Candi just in time for Jeremy to start begging for a Father day gift. We are happy for both of you.


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