Monday, September 08, 2008

Back To The Real World

Well, all good things must come to an end. I started back to Materials Testing and Inspection on September 2. I really enjoyed the last three months while I was in my home station training. I flew just shy of 90 hours during that time, which was capped off by an equipment and personnel transport from Red Flag in Las Vegas to Jacksonville, FL. We avoided the tropical storm and made it back to home with a little over 16 hours on the trip. It was a good trip with lots of sights like the Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon, Oklahoma...ok that one is pushing it, but we did get to see a lot of cool things from the air.

I then took a vacation with Candi and a couple of her friends. We went to see the New York Yankees in their stadium before they moved out of it at the end of this season. If you are going to see the Yankees, why not see them play their rivals the Boston Red Sox? So that is what we did.

We also saw the sights of NY and then spent a couple of days in Washington DC, where we also saw most of the sights. Once we got back, it was out of the military life of two and a half years and back into the civilian life.

I am back to work and it is taking me a bit to get spun up on all the happenings in the company for the last few years, but I think I am getting the hang of it again. Candi is enjoying being back at work and things are going well for her as well. She cut her hair off...not as short as mine, but a lot shorter than it was. It looks very good and I even gave her my blessing before she cut it off. Not much else is new around here, the dog and family are all doing well.


At Tuesday, September 16, 2008 1:20:00 PM, Blogger Travis said...

A long-distance cross country trip would be awesome, but not possible with a helicopter! I'm flying with NVGs right now, and will finish up training in November. Hope you enjoy your civilian life! How many hours will you continue to fly?


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