Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Hunting the Texas way!

I am suppose to be studying for my Systems 1 test tomorrow, but this is more fun than learning schematics of hydraulic lines...plus, you all will love this story.

In Texas, they hunt a little different than we do back home. Right now everyone is gearing up for the big hunting season. The locals are scurrying around buying camo gear, guns, ammo, and...DEER CORN. Yep, the got to stalk their feeders now, so the deer will be there on opening day. Then all they have to do is be real sneaky and sit in their perch and wait for the deer to feed a few feet away. Below is a couple pictures.

This picture is harder to see, but it is just to the left of the blurred sign.

Some don't even bother with these air conditioned units, they just put the feeder by their deck. One local tells me he gets his "limit" each year from his deck. But, due to the physical exhaustion of hunting from a perch or deck, everyone here has what they call "Gators." Basically, they are a cross between a four wheeler and golf cart, that have a little bed so they can go pick up their adventurous kills.

Every where down here is selling deer corn and these perches, it is crazy. Guys are in camo setting these up along the roads on property that they rent, just so they can wrestle down a deer that wouldn't stand up to a Great Dane.

Anyway, just an interesting thing down here. I really want to take a local back to Idaho and show them what walking or at least going outside of city limits to hunt is like. They would definitely make Cabella's pretty useless...not like they need calls, camo, gear, etc. Just a pair of slippers and a gun, although they are probably pretty perturbed about having to set their coffee down and missing 15 minutes of Good Morning America.


At Friday, September 08, 2006 9:06:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Stories,

I wonder if you will be available to go on vacation for me. I think that I might get more out of the experience if I just stay home and read your blog of my vacation.

Your Assistant!!!

At Saturday, September 09, 2006 6:18:00 PM, Blogger Brand-O said...

Did you tell them that in Idaho we just shoot them with our potato guns? Ha...ahh...nevermind. Don't tell them that. They will probably believe you. Because we do everything with potatos here. Like to power flashlights, for piercing ears, for eating, etc...oh and for gunning down Bambi's dad. Ooh-Rah! Oops. Wrong department.


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