Sunday, December 09, 2007

Surviving the Schedule

Well, I am surviving the graveyard shift, but I don't like having to go into work on Sunday. It feels like I only get Saturday off since I technically work on Friday, even though it is only three or four hours. I only have three more days to complain on this rotation and I will be back to day shifts until Christmas. The sims are going ok, but there is just a lot to know and so little brain to put it in...and this small brain realizes it just made fun of itself...thanks! The plane seems bigger than the ones I am use to, but I think that is all in my head.
We are also surviving the world's worst drivers. Little Rock must be their Mecca, because they are all here. I am sure the little old ladies that can't see, those who can't drive while on their phone, and the non-mergers all come from far and wide just to drive in their holy land...Arkansas. It will be pretty ironic when a pilot that has done aerobatics solo and flown ten feet from another jet dies in training, but driving to it, not participating in it.

In the day off, Candi and I went Christmas shopping so that we could take a bunch of junk to Idaho just to exchange it for new junk to bring home. We also had a friend take some pictures of us in front of a small Cessna for future Christmas cards. Here are a couple of them.

Other than that, not a lot going on in our household. I get up at noon, study, go to the gym for an hour or so, study until dinner, eat, then study until leaving for the sims at 8:40PM. I come home to a sleeping household, but with enough pot banging, I can usually get someone to stir. Candi has been awesome at helping out with the small little details like cooking, laundry, running errands, cleaning, etc. You know the little things that if not done, would cry and possibly die! She has been a great help throughout my training, but especially now when my schedule is not the most convienient. Maybe I should stop banging the pots together when I come!
Not a real fun life, but then I am not here for fun...although it is fun outside the whacked out schedule deal. Candi says hello and we are both counting down the days until the 20th when we get to come home. I will be spending a few days out at the squadron and acting like a pilot...we will see how that goes. Until next week...


At Monday, December 10, 2007 2:19:00 PM, Blogger Sandy said...

You can make it through these tough days--I'd have my doubts if your wife wasn't there to help you. *grin* I love the pic's of you two in front of your "little" airplane. Looks pretty impressive to me! Glad you get to go home for Christmas. Have a wonderful time!

At Tuesday, December 11, 2007 12:16:00 PM, Blogger Mandy Nelson said...

We can't wait to see you guys at Christmas! Try and survive the other drivers until then!
Holy Cow Bella is fat!!

At Saturday, December 15, 2007 4:10:00 PM, Blogger Travis said...

That little gray Cessna looks awesome! I'd love to fly with you some day in one. Overall, I think I'll enjoy the rotor thing more than fixed wing, but I'd love to do a couple flights in the C-130, F-22, B-2 - you know, just a couple joy rides!

Yes, we do have standups. We don't call them that, but same thing. well, pretty much. One person doesn't receive a lot of emergencies to solve, but is asked for one emergency procedure, and the flight commander goes around the room asking an EP of each person while the other 40 people in the room watch and the person is standing with time frozen and invisible spotlights glaring in his eyes.

At Monday, November 10, 2008 1:25:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.


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