Sunday, October 07, 2007

Quick Update

I really don't have anything that can out-do the graduation and excitement of getting my I am going to have to start making things up. This week NASA called and wanted me for some program called asteroids...or astronaut...or something, but I told them I was busy.

Ok, well I won't make stuff up, but it could happen. Ok, you're right, it couldn't, but they put a monkey in space. You have to believe that I am not that much behind the monkey in the smarts department. In real life, this week I had a flight physical, checked out of the Naval Air Station, and took it easy. The flight physical was pretty in-depth because I am coming up on my 30th birthday this month. I guess they think you start falling apart at that age, so they have to be pretty thorough (and every 5 year increment hereafter). I passed, but I found out that my hearing is at the lower limits of where it needs to be. I am ok for now, but I guess I shouldn't rock out with my radio full blast in my truck anymore.

Other than that, Candi and I have started packing for Little Rock. I start on the 24th of this month and it looks like we will leave the beach around the 16th. Speaking of the beach here, we have been trying to take full advantage of it because there isn't suppose to be an ocean or beach in Little Rock. The weather has been fabulous here since the family left. The best part is the humidity is down quite a bit.
In preparation for the banjos and hillbillies, we got to know some of the local rednecks here on our last trip to the beach. Who says you can't have it all? A trailer and check it out...a satellite dish! Got to be able to catch the big game at the beach. And nothing says redneck like a busted old trailer and a nice Ford Mustang.
Lastly, I would like to thank those who sent cards. A very big thank you Randy & Vita Brown, Betty Gardner, Herb & Joy Lewis, Bob & Betty Gardner, and Candi for the cards and countless others for their e-mails. Thank you all for your support...but keep it up because I still have one more school to go to in Hillbillyland!
p.s. There were a few of you that wanted to see video of what it was like flying in training. On "" there is a video called Rocking the Rio that shows you what it was like when I was in Phase II at Laughlin AFB. You can also search "T-6 Texan II" or "UPT" on that site and see some other cool videos of the whole process.


At Tuesday, October 09, 2007 11:48:00 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

Jeremy, I really enjoyed the pic's on your last blog. (Your family). Congrats are certainly in order, even if a little late at this point. I enjoy keeping up on your achievements, and hope you enjoy your next phase as an Air Force pilot. Continue to blog so I can keep up on you and your family!

Sandy Plummer in Florida


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