Sunday, August 19, 2007

The End of the World in Near

We are in a frenzy here in Corpus Christi, people have bought up all the gas, water, and other survival items. People are going crazy looting and rioting and I am about ready to sacrifice an Idaho born cat...ok, maybe I overstated the situation just a little bit. We actually got all ready for Erin, and this is as bad it got (picture below). Erin came ten miles from the coast and then went North to wreak the havoc that you have all seen on the devil's picture box or newspaper. All we got was some good surfing waves, which I took full advantage of because of being in classes and having a touch of almost done-itis.
In all reality, hurricane Dean is coming and the Navy is the only one around that cares. I feel like the goofs that took out their entire savings and quit their jobs over the Y2K thing, but I had to go buy a few supplies just in case. We had to take pictures of the house, belongings, and other things that we wanted to prove we had at one time in case the gentle winds blow this way (I photo shopped in a Porche in the garage). Candi and I got some things together and our important documents, just in case they make us evacuate. As a side note, the best buy was two-way radios (walkie-talkies for the lay person) because now I can walk outside and still drive the dog crazy by leaving one inside and giving her orders. It totally baffles the dog.
The Navy will issue the evacuation before the general public is told to leave so we can get a head start...but I was put on sandbag duty, so I will be one of the last to leave. The Navy has been calling everyone and they have a big plan to use the single students and instructors to fly all of the aircraft out to Las Cruces, NM. The married students and ones with families here are left to place sandbags and then get their families out of the area.

Other than that, not a lot going on here. I had one more review flight on Monday, which went very well...thanks for everyone's prayers...and then they stranded me. I was in classes the rest of the week, stranding me with my last review ride to go and a checkride. Now I am filling sandbags tomorrow, so if Dean doesn't come, then I will be back to fly the hardest flights after being off for more than a week...PERFECT! Below is a hard day of Navy training! Notice the pooch has the bottom couch.
Candi and I decided that the lazy pooch needed some survival gear as well. We got her a life jacket and I think we are going to let her fend for herself if Dean stops by.
Just kidding, but she is always swimming in the canal or the ocean and sometimes she stays out so long that we don't know if she will make it back...and I love the dog, but I don't think I could give her front of others.
In other news, my roommate decided to decorate his room with the tasteful pages of a Victoria's Secret catalog. Actually, "While You Were Away" stopped by while he was on his cross-country flight and, I...helped him out. P.S. He didn't feel like it helped him out in any way.

Candi is still working very hard and keeping the house in tip top shape as well. She isn't really looking forward to evacuating, so I hope the hurricane doesn't come, I would hate for her to be inconvenienced. Her mom has had great success with her chemo treatments so far. Please keep her in your thoughts & prayers.

I will keep you abreast of the latest with Uncle Dean stopping by.


At Monday, August 20, 2007 12:45:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you got your life jacket and your surfboard for Dean.... stay safe Lil Bro!!!

Oh, by the way, I'm really happy the US Government decided to utilize my tax dollars in a useful way - putting you to work to stuff sandbags is the greatest thing ever!! Finally, after all these months, my hard earned dollars are being put to good use!!


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