Sunday, June 03, 2007

They giveth and they taketh away

I found out that the Navy is a bunch of Native American presenters (or Indian givers for you non-politically correct type). They give you two engines and then they take one away. I didn't get three flights under my belt before they started killing one engine and making me fly with just one. I know you have to be ready for the worst case scenario, but I am not Chuck Yeager.

I flew four times this past week (Monday was a holiday) and they all went pretty good. The planes are all old, so we keep having maintenance delays and having to get new planes because the ones we are suppose to fly are busted. I feel pretty lucky when I finally get to takeoff with nothing wrong, but then the thought is going through my mind that I just missed something and I will soon be giving the plane a pressure wash with salt water.

On the bright side, we finally made the decision to purchase a boat so we could fit in with the neighbors (their boat is below).
I figured yellow would draw more I just have to find a name for the back of the boat. I am considering "Dingy-aling" or "Money CAN Buy You Everything" or something else to show that I have finally made it to the richers. Take a look at my boat and tell me what you think would be good. I also might need to get a bigger lift.
We had some people over on Saturday and I was myself and had to be the center of attention. I decided to jump from the upper deck into the waterway.
We also can not get our dog out of the water. Zoe swims for more than fifteen/twenty minutes until I or one of the roommates goes to herd her back to the dock.
Candi is doing well working from her lavish office suite. She continues to work, clean, wash clothes, cook, etc. all while being the best wife one could ask for. I really couldn't get through the work week without her help, it has been great having her here.
We found out Candi's mom's cancer has come back. She starts chemotherapy this month and, hopefully, this will knock it out of her system for good. The doctors found a small spot on her liver and are very optimistic the chemo will take care of it. Please pray with us that she will keep her strength, get rid of the cancer, and remain in good spirits for a long, healthy life.


At Sunday, June 03, 2007 9:57:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure you'll be able to get some sweet air behind your new boat. :)Don't hurt yourself.

At Monday, June 04, 2007 8:53:00 AM, Blogger Travis said...

Your Navy instructors probably aren't killing one engine as often as you think; it's just dying 'cuz it's busted! Hmm - what if your instructor would kill one engine for practice just as the other engine truly goes out? Food for thought . . .

I don't think the term "boat" does justice to your new waterborne vehicle. Perhaps . . . yacht.


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