Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Vacation is Over...sort of

I had to find my game face this past Friday because the coach put me back in the game. I started my advanced training on Friday. I am now a "wise owl" in the VT-31 squadron. I went from being a Knight to an Owl...Candi thinks Owls are maybe I won't lose all my street cred. We will have ground school for two weeks, simulators for a week, and then we will hit the flight line around May 11. I will be flying the T-44a when that time comes. My roommate (which has an interested party) will be in the same squadron, but will be flying the new "c" models and will be spoiled with a glass cockpit...meaning instead of actual gauges, there are "tv screens" of them. It gives you a lot more options as far as how you can arrange your displays, but I guess I will have to settle for the old school gauges. I am sure I will be a better pilot for it!
The last week of freedom saw me go to the beach, sleep, fish, and go dirt bike riding on the weekend. The dog loves going to the beach because it can chase birds for hours...not to mention show off the latest swimwear. Although we are all glad the dog wears more than the dad! That was just disturbing and my family has asked me to kindly "GET OUT!"
I also purchased a chiminea that we use on the deck at night. I have to scrounge up fire wood, but I hit the jackpot with a couple of pallets. Sitting on the deck, which over hangs the water, watching the fish swim around the lights on the bottom of the waterways is a hard job! Yeah, and thanks to each of you for paying your taxes which are paying me to do it. But I do hope you did get a little back on your taxes or else I will feel like I owe you something...never mind, I don't. I am busy putting myself in harms way for your freedom, never know when Mexico may invade the US and I would be on the front line. I know my peeps back in Del Rio think the invasion has already happened. At least Strube is still there to love them all.

The dirt bike track was not near as nice as the ones I have been spoiled with back in Idaho, but at least there are tracks here. They don't have sprinkler systems to keep the dust down, but at least they try to keep them in good shape. I met a lot of nice people that shared some good information on where to ride, unfortunately there is no public land were you can ride like there is back in the Ho...don't fire me like Don Imus...I am not talking about black women, just I-da-ho.Well, it was a pretty uneventful week. I still haven't caught any fish even though I have used every type of bait. It could be due to my A.D.D. and lack of patience, but if I can't catch one after 3-5 casts, I go back inside the house. That is all for now, sorry to all of those that were offended by my Baywatch photo...but it was worth it for some of your reactions! C-YA


At Monday, April 23, 2007 9:36:00 PM, Blogger Brand-O said...

Living the hard life I see. I hear you bro. Beaches and warm weather year round is difficult to get used to, but I guess we will manage.

At Wednesday, April 25, 2007 11:24:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Speedo,
You have disgraced your proper and cultured upbringing!! In fact, you are getting more like your great uncle all the time...bless his memory!
Signed: your mother incognito

(You were just waiting for me to respond - weren't you?


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