Sunday, July 08, 2007

The past week was a little more busy than the past few. The weather was bad for most of the week and we got a bit of precipitation. In fact, we got so much rain that I started gathering some gopher wood just in case the water rose a little more and an ark would have been in order. We got TWENTY-ONE inches of water (more dense than snow) in three days. Twenty-one inches of snow is a lot, but pure rain water...we are still a little wet.

The water falling from the heavens dampened the festive mood of the July 4th celebrators. The city cancelled their fireworks, but we got to see every other person and their dog, light off their fireworks in the rain. There was a lot of fireworks considering everything is prohibited inside the city limits. You can't even have "snakes"...yeah, just a bit constrictive. Those snakes can get out of hand and burn down the sand and oceans. But, on a positive note, the city postponed the fireworks to Thursday night and the weather broke enough to enjoy them. Candi and myself, along with my roommates, went to a minor league baseball game of the Corpus Christi Hooks on Thursday night. We got to watch the baseball game and see the fireworks which were shot off just a few blocks away. It was a great seat for the fireworks, not to mention the baseball game. The stadium is very nice and the whole experience is just as good as a pro game...minus the stars and player's names that you know.
Other than that, we have mostly been couped up in the house due to the weather. The weather broke for a few hours this weekend, so we spent a few hours at the beach before the weather got bad again. The beach is nice, but I have noticed there is a distinct relationship between clothes and skin. It is an indirect relationship. For every square inch of skin people have, they seem to have less clothes on. I don't think it is just that a pair of "large" shorts looks smaller on a fatter person than a skinny person...I think there must be some rule that I haven't heard about. It seems as the skin area available to be covered by clothes goes up, the actual clothes used to cover them up goes down. I have seen things that will make a grown man cry. Some "pleasantly plump" individuals like to show off the fact that their bodies look like they have been beaten with a sock full of quarters. Sorry for the little soap box, but I think there is a real problem here.

So I guess people would like to know how the flying is going, too. Well, the flying is going well and I have started instruments. It has been awhile since I have flown by them exclusively, but it is starting to come back to me.
Finally, I am going to be baching it for a few weeks. Candi is leaving me this week. She is going back to Boise for her sister's wedding and to see friends and family. I will probably be able to survive, but I am going to have to start asking my male roommates if my shirts match my shorts and if both of them go with my shoes. I will miss Candi greatly, but I am glad she will be coming back soon. I will have to break out some of my old recipes and...go out to eat a lot.

Sorry for the lack of new pictures...I know if you are anything like me, you only look at the pictures and occasionally read captions. I always try to have pictures so a few of you will at least look at the blog.


At Tuesday, July 10, 2007 6:08:00 PM, Blogger Travis said...

You mention a couple times that the weather broke and so you enjoyed it, or enjoyed the fireworks, or something. I'm puzzled how you can enjoy broken weather or the results thereof! I mean, just think about it - if the weather breaks so we have no functional weather, we'd be living in a vacuum!

I'm just glad the weather only broke in your area, and not here in southeast Alabama! It's still fully functional here, presenting rain, sun, wind, heat . . . it's great stuff!

At Tuesday, July 10, 2007 9:53:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I better leave a comment, so the rest of your fans don't have to hear you whine about not feeling any love from anyone. All I have to say is, "Would you like some crackers and cheese with that whine?"

Love ya Lil Bro....your sis in Cali.

Keep up the good work!


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