Sunday, June 24, 2007

Bad Weather Week and Friends Visit

Well, the week was pretty uneventful. I had my checkride and solo on Monday, which I mentioned in the last post, and then I had a few simulator rides and one night flight which was cancelled due to weather. However, the weekend was eventful because we had some wanna-be fighter jockeys over from Del Rio. It was very difficult for them to leave the friendly confines of Laughlin AFB, but the allure of more than two places to eat and same colored girls must have persuaded them. Thanks to my little ball of hate, Strube, for standing us up by not coming with everyone.

Pauliana (Paul) Baker, Jason Righart, Butters (Ian Alexander), and Butter's girlfriend Tiffany graced us with their presence. We had some good times despite the bad weather. Luckily, the weather broke for a few hours so we could go to the beach, although the water was warmer than the air temperature.

We also went up to Port Aransas (15 miles up the island coastline) where we ate and saw a bunch?...herd?...gaggle? dolphins playing in the ocean channel. It was pretty cool and it cost a lot less than Sea World, although I didn't get a souvenir cup.

For those of you who were wondering, Candi's mother will start her chemotherapy treatment this Friday (pushed back from last Friday). We would appreciate your continued thoughts and prayers.

Lastly, I would like to acknowledge the hard work that my roommate (Peaches...a.k.a. Jamie) put in this last week. He did one event (not graded) and slept all of last week. He truly personifies the dedication and commitment it takes to be in the military. Hang in there Peaches, one day the pace will slow down and you will be able to catch your breathe.

Please slow down on flooding me with your comments and e-mails...wait...nevermind...I was just dreaming that you all cared. Until next time, I hope none of you die, since it would be a bad day for you to take a dirt nap without being in my good graces!


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