Monday, June 18, 2007

A Couple of Weeks Gone By

I had not updated the blog in a couple of weeks, mainly due to the fact that I am, well...lazy. Actually, there just hadn't been a lot going on in the land of heat and humidity. I think you are all starting to get tired of me going to the beach and pretending I have it bad here. Well, let me lend a machete to your intellectual is tough. I am studying all week long and then there is this weather. The humidity is so bad that when you get out of your truck with air conditioning, that your sunglasses condensate and you lose sight temporarily. It wasn't too bad until the day I got out of my truck next to moving propeller blades...and you thought you got a good shave with your electric, multiple spinning blades, razor.

However, today changed all that. Today was my first checkride and solo in the T-44A. I passed the checkride and they let me fly a little bit solo...actually with another student as my co-pilot...but, solo here is without an instructor. I came close to getting some grass stains on the tires, but I ended up matching my takeoffs with my landings...the latter of which are mandatory. I appreciate all of the prayers and thoughts that helped me get this far and past this momentous point.

Other than that, here is the usual good life pictures including my beautiful wife, the starfish that ate Zoe's head, the small dingys that I am contemplating buying, and the hard life that my dog has each day.


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