Sunday, September 16, 2007

Enjoying Being Done and a Drop

TWO POSTS IN ONE WEEK...I obviously don't have enough to do. I had two days off this week after completing. I wasn't completely off, after sleeping in on Thursday and going to the beach, they gave me "Navy watch." I had to make sure no one took the building for six hours on Friday. After that barrel of monkeys Candi, Peaches, and I went to Smell Rio (Del Rio) to see my buddies drop their aircraft (when they find out what aircraft they will fly after training). I realized why I hadn't missed that town before we were even in it for five minutes.

The drop was a great one. Every T-38 guy got an F-16 except for Paul Baker and Jason Reighart who will now be instructor pilots for the T-6 and T-38, respectively. My boy Big Country (John Strube) got his first choice of the F-16.
It was great to see everyone and most were leaving on Monday for their new assignments. Some of my former classmates had already left for the next phase of their life, but I got to see several of them one last time. Congrats and good luck guys, you worked hard for everything you got.
Other than that, not a lot going on here. I have been involved in some highly dangerous air-soft gunfights with Jamie (aka Wyatt Earp). The guns are basically welt makers and hurt...hence the protection that I don. I look similar to a knight in shining armour...and my outfit matches. Nothing says manly like guns, danger, and matching outfits.
Peaches doesn't quite have the stylish armour that I was blessed with.
Thursday evening Candi and I went to Port Aransas for dinner and dolphin watching. It was incredible, we saw more than fifty dolphins and a great sunset...not to mention that the seafood is always great there. Port A is about twenty minutes up the island and the dolphins are usually found in the channel that allows the ships into the Corpus Christi bay.
Tomorrow I have a co-pilot flight with an instructor just for his practice. It is better than watching buildings, but it still cuts into my beach and golf time. Candi and I are starting to try to figure out where we want to live in Little I just need my orders. They told me I should get my orders in the next few weeks, which would be nice since I will be done by then. I guess I am just supposed to hang out without orders if they don't get them to me by then. Well, I will keep you informed as things develop. C-YA


At Monday, September 17, 2007 8:29:00 PM, Blogger Travis said...

Your flight between the canyon walls sound awesome! Perhaps you've mentioned it in some previous post that I missed, but what aircraft are you going to? C-130?

I played around in a rotary wing flight simulator today. That was fun, and life only gets better from here!


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