Sunday, September 17, 2006

Week 4

Another week has come and gone, which means one week closer to being done. I had my first graded sim ride during the week and another test. I did really well on the test and ok on the sim. The sims right now are more just going through the checklists and making sure all the right checks, buttons, and calls are made. I had some trouble keeping my wings level. Every time I would look down at my checklist (which are strapped to your leg), I would end up banking the plane. But, on the bright side I didn't have to eject. I hear that doesn't make the instructors very happy. The sim instructors are all "has beens" and for some reason decided Del Rio was the place to retire and teach on the side. They are old, but some of them are quite nice. Others should not be in a place of social interaction.

I am studying for an aerodynamics test tomorrow and it will be the hardest yet. The other students say that they get increasingly hard from here on out...I CAN'T WAIT.

It is like Seattle here, it rained four days this week. The locals say this is very unusual, but I think they are trying to make it seem like it is better here than it really is. Last night was the coolest storm ever! Lightening would flash at least once a second and it was like daylight for a few hours because of all the lightening. I have never seen something like that. Then the rains came and it can flat put down the water here.

Anyway, all is going well here for me. I am pretty homesick, thanks to nobody calling or e-mailing, but I am getting use to it. Candi will be here in "roughly" 17 days, 4 hours, 22 minutes, and 39 seconds...but then again, who is counting.


At Tuesday, September 19, 2006 11:05:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Looks as though you are having a great experience. Keep up the good work. Remember: Do you know what they call the person that graduates last in your class? - They call him/her a pilot!!
I would have expected you to be that person to bring the flarp into class, what would you expect from a Bronco!!!


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