Monday, July 05, 2010

Last Week Before the Pain

Ah, the last week of my break comes to an end. We tried to enjoy the week and do a much as possible, however, hurricane Alex had other plans. It rained and wasn’t very nice for most of the week and weekend, but it did bring cooler temperatures. And by cooler temperatures, I mean mid 80’s instead of mid 90’s, but the humidity was the inverse. I guess you can’t have it all.

To get out of house, I went to the golf store and they talked me into a new driver. I braved the rain to try it out on Friday and was even able to get a quick round in on the weekend. I tell you what, the salesman was a liar! The new club hits just as crooked as the old club. If I didn’t know how skilled I was I would start to think it was the swinger and not the club…yes, I realized I called myself a swinger.

Candi eventually got tired of carrying my clubs, so we had to do something she wanted to do. Top of her list, was to watch the UFC 116 fight. I didn’t know she was into watching fighting so much; I figured she got that all out of her system when she continually hits, punches, and throws me around. Anyway, we tried to find a spot to watch the fight since we didn’t want to pay the $45 to watch it on our TV. Apparently, all of south Texas had the same idea and some pretty smart (but made me mad) business owners charged cover charges just to get into their restaurants/bars. We finally found a place for Candi to watch it…Hooters! It was so packed that we ended up watching from the sidewalk, outside the building. However, I did see something funny that made me realize we were in Texas….a very pregnant waitress. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but that’s not the image that most people conjure up when they think of Hooters.

If you think I do a lot to cater to Candi- going golfing for her, watching fighting with her, etc., you are right. But, it was time for a little Jeremy time! I chose that we go to the Natural Bridge Caverns about 30min. away. These caverns were pretty neat, although they look like every other cavern I have been to, but Candi had never been to one. Here are a few pictures:

The rest of the week was pretty uneventful. We watched two sets of fireworks, one at the base and one at an adjacent city. They were both really good. We wondered if there would even be any because we only saw one fireworks stand the entire time and it was way out in the country. Our neighbors obviously knew where to go, because they tried to keep our dogs on their toes (paws) all night long with their “bombs bursting in air.”

For all of you that said, “oh yeah, we will come visit you” but never gave it a second thought, there is a really good BBQ place just East of here called Texas Pride. Now do you want to come see us? How about if I tell you there is an accordion in their band? As I said on Twitter (which then makes it to my Facebook status), it ain’t music around here if there ain’t an accordion in it!

Candi is starting to look pregnant. She should start to fit right in around here. I have said many times I have never seen so many fat people in my life, but a news article on Friday backs me. Over 70%...yes over two-thirds…of Texas kids could not pass the state mandated physical fitness test. Only 9% of high school senior boys and 8% of high school senior girls could pass the test. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THIS COUNTRY? I can’t wait to financially support these people when they develop health problems and can’t work or pay for their health care.

Anyway, back to Candi. She continues to grow and although she has been spending a lot of time working lately, she still finds time to find the end of the Internet with regards to any topic related to having a baby. I am not complaining, because she gives me the “Cliff’s Notes” version and saves me all the reading. I am anxiously awaiting our July 16th doctor’s appointment to find out if we have a boy or a boy (can you tell what I want??!!). Candi doesn’t care either way, but I want to know.

I start IFF on Thursday, so start sending prayers, thoughts, good vibes, or whatever mode you use my way PLEASE. It will be the most intense two months I have had, so as you have seen before, my tone in these posts will probably start changing to a more “poor me” one…SO DEAL WITH IT! See ya!


At Monday, July 05, 2010 11:20:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jeremy and Candi,
I thought about you a lot this weekend and wondered what you were doing to celebrate the holiday. Your weekend sounded more exciting than mine. Not that mine was bad, just nothing exciting...
The caverns looked like really interesting formations.
Will be waiting for the news...boy or girl.
A. Betty


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