Sunday, November 28, 2010

Oh My Goodness, We Have A Baby

I realized at 2:35AM the other morning, as I sat there yelling at Candi to shut her baby up, that I was a father. Not really, I am just was 2:45! No, in all seriousness, it is finally starting to sink in that we are parents. As most everyone knows (since we were like the last ones in the world to have a child) you have to "slightly" alter your life style and schedule to make accommodations for the new arrival. Things like, only doing activities that will take two hours or less so you can feed the baby. Or like planning days in advance to go to the grocery store. Or planning showers schedules to coincide with JJ's eating cycle. JJ seems to think Candi is like the 24 hour drive through at Taco Bell...always open for food.

JJ is doing well, except for I think he might be getting a skin condition due to being exposed to bright flashes of light every other second. Yes, we are max performing our camera with this little guy and if you would like to see more, again you can see them at: We are only uploading 20 per hour. Here are just a few pictures and note the one with JJ and his new best friend...yes, the one with the dog. Jaxson is absolutely in love with the baby and won't leave his side. He has to just sniff JJ every so often, then goes back to laying down or doing whatever he was doing.

Luckily, we have been getting some good help this week. Vita has been here this week and has really been a big help cleaning, cooking, running errands, feeding JJ...ok, maybe not the last one, but she has been doing everything else. We planned this pregnancy and birth out just right so we would have our own personal chef here to cook us Thanksgiving dinner. It was awesome and just like home, minus a table and tons of people.

We were also blessed to have my San Diego family come to visit. John and Sharla drove the six hours just to see me, but for some reason they haven't said much to me. The only time they will talk to the one I am sure they came to see, is when they say, "where is JJ" or "give JJ back so I can hold him again." Odd, but I am still convinced they came to see ME!

Candi continues to do really well. She is a bit upset that her old pants are tight and hard to fit into! Yeah, she is wearing her old clothes one week after giving birth...and complaining that they don't fit as loosely as they did a year ago.

I finished up my in-processing this past week and will start class tomorrow. I am looking forward to finally starting this phase of training, just not looking forward to doing it with less sleep than normal. Candi is the one getting up at nights to feed, since my milk still hasn't come in, but the monitor still limits my REM sleep cycles. Something I am told I should get used to...which, by the way was not in the books I read. Apparently, I shouldn't have been reading the books, magazines, and handouts that have planes or motorcycles on them and should have been reading the ones Candi gave me instead.


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