Sunday, October 17, 2010

Addicted To Shopping

Let me start off with saying, that because I don't have any real "manly" flying news, I will temporarily give up my man card to discuss the other happenings in our lives. I, however, have full right to reclaim my man card after this post and return to talking about manly things like killing animals, football, and motorcycles.

Well, we did something this week that we hadn't done in...HOURS...we went shopping! Last week I was thanking everyone for all the presents, gift cards, and I want to thank the first group and curse the last two! The gift cards and money have made us addicted to shopping, except I don't get a high. I know that I am complaining for no reason, because we couldn't have brought all that stuff home or shipped it down here, but if I wasn't complaining I wouldn't be a man!

We now have almost all the items we registered for, minus a few that we are waiting to see if we really a car seat, stroller, crib...just joking! We have our Pack and Play, car seat, stroller, swing, diaper pale, hamper, organizer, wash tub, etc. Basically, we have all the major or more expensive stuff, with the exception of a baby monitor, which we are still debating whether to get one with video or just audio. Candi is looking for any suggestions on baby monitors, if you have them.

In keeping with the suspension of my man card, I spent an afternoon learning what the terms "enfacement" and "false labor" meant. Contrary to my thinking, "enfacement" isn't slang for getting real close to somebody's face and "false labor" isn't how my mother thought of how I did my chores around the house when I was younger...making a bigger mess than I started with! I also got to learn how to breath and push...which apparently we were just supposed to simulate, but it bought me a quick trip to the bathroom. All I know is that I AM SO GLAD IT IS CANDI HAVING THIS BABY! I am glad they give you this class AFTER you are pregnant, because it sure wasn't a great advertisement for having a baby. I equate it to the end of a sports car commercial where the guy talks real fast and tells you basically that the car you just saw is NOT like the one that they actually sell and that all this bad stuff can happen to you if you actually drive the car. Anyway, it was good information and now I am "an informed future father."

Candi and the baby continue to grow. Candi had her last scheduled appointment here and she was cleared hot to go to Tucson. The only problem, nobody wants to help us with that process. Here is the latest picture at 32.5 weeks.
I continue to press with my scheduled flights and I have fifteen work days to get eight events complete, in order to leave on the 6th of November. My dad is flying here that weekend to help us move and drive to Arizona, so that Candi doesn't have to drive a vehicle and can ride with me. Please pray that we can move & get settled in Tucson BEFORE the baby decides to make his worldly entrance:)


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