Sunday, July 25, 2010

Back in the Saddle Again

Well, I am back in the saddle again… and I think I am getting saddle sore already! By that, I mean I am already tired of studying all the time and I just started. I had my first flight this past week and thanks to all those who threw up flare prayers, it went really well. I was quite nervous about the first flight, but I got a cool IP that didn’t come off the top rope with a forearm. I know that isn’t always going to be the case, but I will take them when I can get them! I had several sims and academics this past week, but Thursday marked the start of my sixteen flights. I am scheduled for a flight each day this next week, two sims, and multiple academic classes. It will be a jam packed week, but if all goes well, I could be a third of the way through the program by the end of it. Each flight builds on the previous, while in each phase…and there are four phases. I have four “formation,” two “offensive,” four “defensive,” four “surface attacks,” and a couple miscellaneous flights. Needless to say, the fourth formation and the fourth defensive flights are the hardest of the course, so I may have the fourth formation flight as early as Thursday…so remember me this week…as well as the next few! The amount of information that is required to be stored in my brain is above the capacity limit, so it makes things difficult. It is a hard course and even harder when you are stupid.

In important news, Candi and “junior” are doing very well. The “junior” part reminds me to bring up the point to everyone that we will NOT be naming him Jeremy. I know that is the coolest name, but it isn’t an option. Several people took what I said as the truth and let’s face it; you should never take what I say as the truth.

Here is the latest picture of Candi and the starter baby bump. I told her she should change her clothes, but she has been wearing this outfit since week 16 (for those of you who saw the 16 week photos, you'll know what I mean). We are now at week 20 and at the halfway point. It is all downhill from here.
We also found out that we will probably be in San Antonio until the middle of November. My class in Tucson isn’t going to start until the 29th. A woman a week from her due date is exactly how I wanted to pack and travel across three states! I already told her that I don’t want to hear any excuses about why she can’t pack, lift boxes, or drive a U-Haul at that time…I mean really! In other note worthy news, I have been sleeping on our hide-a-bed lately! Well, it is back to, I am tired of it.


At Monday, July 26, 2010 7:09:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in! You will make day at a time. Here are some promises you can claim:
Philipians 4:13
Isaiah 41:...10
Deut. 31:8 (Spoken to Joshua when he was facing a hard situation)
I also like Jeremiah 29:11-14a)(Good if you feel like you are a captive and an exile in the world of academia.
Praying for you this week! A.Betty

At Friday, July 30, 2010 3:28:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeremy, hang in there- you know everyone from home is pulling (and praying) for you. Vita


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