Sunday, October 15, 2006

Week 8...and gone country!

Well another week has come and gone. This week started off real tough and got a lot better, then it tanked. The week started off with me having to take Candi back to the airport and I tell you what, that drive back from SA after dropping a loved one off has got to be the worst. The next few days were pretty rough emotionally and it still isn't great, but it is better.

I have finally got to the place where I didn't fill a Hefty bag each flight. Thursday was the first day I actually kind of enjoyed flying. There is just so much pressure to do well, not to mention I don't like screwing up, that I am a nervous wreck before each flight. I am pretty sure that stress doesn't help me from purging myself of impurities, when it is piled on to the motion sickness thing.

So there I was with my first feelings of maybe this IS what I am suppose to do with my life and then...(sounds of screeching brakes)..I decide to brain dump some knowledge. Unfortunately for me, that little release of brain pressure didn't quite coincide with the time period AFTER my tests. I had two different tests at the end of the week and I FAILED both of them. I am now the remedial student and got some "coaching" from our flight commander. Yes, I am that kid. You remember the one that sat in the back of the class and only did certain functions with the class because he or she was "special" and had other "special" classes by themselves? I am that one...

It wasn't because of lack of studying; I can't study anymore than I do unless I find more hours in the day. Although, if I did find more, I am not so sure I would spend them studying. I am trying my hardest and now after failing, I am more motivated than ever not to fail out. However, I only have as much brain power as the x and y parental chromosomes allowed me. So if I don't make it...BLAME MY PARENTS.

Overall, things are going pretty good, I am just paranoid of failing...and there are many opportunites here for that. I am looking forward to getting more comfortable with flying so that it becomes more and more fun each time out. Even when I am stressed about how it is going, flying upside down at a couple hundred miles an hour, still isn't that bad.

I went to Dallas this weekend to get away and help a buddy move some family. Good times, however we had to study the whole trip, so it wasn't that much of a break. Although, I put my new boots to use and learned the "Texas Two-Step" from some of the locals. Watch out Idaho, you will have a new cowboy in town when I get back. I have gone country...ok, not really.


At Sunday, October 15, 2006 10:45:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those boots actually don't look as bad as I thought they would! My parents will be thrilled to have another cowboy in the family...

At Monday, October 16, 2006 3:29:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeremy you look good in high heels
just don't fall and break a leg
I want to see you finish Flight school.

At Thursday, October 19, 2006 12:21:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brandon may let you in the MTI lab with those cowboyish boots (look who is wearin' em) but you better not be listening to the music or you may get thrown out on your ear.Just do it, I know you like those sports metaphors. Window-Licker. Yeah I said it. being nice hasn't worked so back to tough love. And you know I like loving you TOUGHLY. And yes I know it's not a word, enough from the peanut gallery.


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