In the beginning...
This is where it all started.
I was selected by the Idaho Air National Guard to be a pilot in the 189th Airlift Squadron.
I went to the Guard's commissioning source, the Academy of Military Science, in January of 2006. After graduation, I had the opportunity to complete water and combat survival schools, while waiting for my August UPT (undergraduate pilot training) date.
Now that stage is set, I am ready to live out my dream of becoming a pilot. With a little luck, a lot of prayers and support, I might just make it. This is a place that you can come and watch it unfold. In the interest of not taking up all of my limited free time to write, e-mail, and call everyone to give them updates on how my training is going, I have set up this site so I can kill a bunch of birds with one Enjoy and e-mail or comment as much as you would like. Thanks again for all your support.