I wish I had some new news to share with you, but I know absolutely nothing more about our future plans this week, than I did last week. As a consolation prize, all those who should be telling me what is going on, think that it is horrible that nobody has told me what is going on. I think it is a bit ironic, but maybe that is just me. Apparently, the paperwork hasn't even been filed that will tell what the official recommendation for me is...and then, I can either fight it or explore other possible solutions, at least that is what I was told.
So, in the mean time, I continue to scrub toilets, change diapers, and cook meals. Ok, the fiction part of that statement was the word "continue," but I have been so bored that I have done the above activities. Candi has been searching the help wanted ads to see if she can find a job...FOR ME! I think she would take a screaming baby over a complaining, bored, annoying husband any day. You know you are getting on her nerves when she gives me cash and tells me to go play golf.
Thank goodness for cable and the major league baseball network! Their 11AM games have saved me from watching soap operas and has helped me get
JJ to be a bit more vocal when cheering for his favorite team. Here he is yelling insults that I don't dare repeat to an umpire during a Rangers vs. Yankees game...the mouth on that kid...total lack of parental control growing up.
I act like I have played a lot of golf, but I really haven't played as much as I act like. However, I did get the chance to play once this week and I got to play one of Tucson's finest. I got a good online deal and went with one of my classmates on Saturday. I started out awesome with a few pars and a birdie, but the wheels fell of the bus soon after. I blame it on the snake that decided to check out my golf ball when my hand was doing the same. I am pretty sure my scream made many people duff their shots, but I now carry a
whoopin stick with me at all times on the course. The golf course was in the few areas that have saguaro cactus and the sites were pretty awesome. Here are a couple pictures:
Other than helping around the house so Candi can work a bit more, I really haven't done too much. I have started working out again, since I finally have time, but I can only do that so long. The rest of the day sees me washing my truck, helping out our neighbor lady with chores, or anything I can find to do. If you haven't received the picture...I AM BORED TO TEARS!
However, I spent a little time working on a project for my civilian job back in Boise. My boss at MTI nominated me for Idaho's Accomplished Under 40 award. Thanks to several back in the office that helped me get a bunch of lies on paper and submit them for consideration. We will have to wait until the end of the month to see if the lies were bold enough to get me this award. Thanks to all of those at MTI that worked on this little project. Your help and consideration for the nomination are much appreciated.
Candi continues to work from home. Jarrett continues to cause work at home. No, he is doing well and is growing quite chubby these days...which makes it a tough pill to swallow when people say, "oh, he looks like you." He has started throwing fits when he drops his toys...just like his mother, but overall he is a pretty good baby.
Finally, I wanted to mention that we got to see one of tour old friends from pilot training, Jeremy Reynolds. Jeremy is flying C-130s in North Carolina and had a tactics class down here in the Tucson area. We met up and went to dinner on Thursday night. It was good to see him and hopefully it won't be another three years until we can do it again. Well, that is all the news without any news.