One More Week Until Wings

Here, it was another nice week with minimal work. I had a few co-pilot flights and a few days off. I also had to take a physical fitness test. I found out that I wasn't in as good of shape as I was when I got commissioned. My mile and a half run was almost a minute slower (10:29) than when I was at AMS. The tedious schedule still left time to golf, surf, and ride motos. I also don't want to forget some air-soft wars. Jaime hit me in the eye with one shot (despite wearing eye protection) and gave me a bit of a swollen eye. I have since switched to wearing my motorcycle goggles.
I finally had enough time to get to the dirt track and ride my dirt motorcycle. The track was sketchy at best, but at least I got to ride. The people that ride around here don't quite have as much money as the ones back home. Here is one example of a homemade toy hauler...for those of you in to RV trailers, this isn't quite of the quality. It looks as if they got it from the carnival.

I am sure these people are the same that you see at sports events and establishments that bring their own bottle/can cozy or insulator or whatever you call it. Only in South Texas do you see people try to bring their own beer can insulators into restaurants and ball games. That is how they roll down here!
The weather has cooled off a bit and we are seeing high 80s and low 90s. The humidity has gone down and the evenings finally start to cool off. This week was the first time I have walked out in the early morning and thought it actually felt like morning time...versus middle of the day on the sun. I guess it is always day on the sun, but you get the point.
The upcoming week will be filled with a lot of last minute things to do to get out-processed and graduated, not to mention getting ready for family to come into town. Tomorrow I am scheduled to take an FAA test to get my commercial pilot's license, instrument rating, and multi-engine rating. I know some of you are thinking, "why is he into farming," but that is the Future Farmers of America, not the Federal Aeronautical Administration. Although I am in Texas, I did buy boots, and I do have a cowboy hat, I am not really changing career paths.
Candi is still working right along. She is getting a bit nervous that the Guard hasn't given us a date to move to Little Rock, but she is managing. She has been busy working on real work and creative work. She made some "real nice" arrangements with sea shells and then put together some memorabilia from my last year of training. She does very good work, you all will have to see them when we get home in however long it takes for us to get back.
Lastly, if you have ever heard someone say, "cotton picken," they were probably talking about the mascot for Robstown High School. I wish I had gone there...not really!