A Week Filled With Flying...er...Sleeping
This is a way for me to let friends and family follow my life through pilot training. I will try to keep this updated as much as possible. Feel free to comment or e-mail at jeremy_presley@hotmail.com. Thanks for your support and remember that old posts are archived on the right side.
For those of you who were wondering, Candi's mother will start her chemotherapy treatment this Friday (pushed back from last Friday). We would appreciate your continued thoughts and prayers.
Lastly, I would like to acknowledge the hard work that my roommate (Peaches...a.k.a. Jamie) put in this last week. He did one event (not graded) and slept all of last week. He truly personifies the dedication and commitment it takes to be in the military. Hang in there Peaches, one day the pace will slow down and you will be able to catch your breathe.
Please slow down on flooding me with your comments and e-mails...wait...nevermind...I was just dreaming that you all cared. Until next time, I hope none of you die, since it would be a bad day for you to take a dirt nap without being in my good graces!
I had not updated the blog in a couple of weeks, mainly due to the fact that I am, well...lazy. Actually, there just hadn't been a lot going on in the land of heat and humidity. I think you are all starting to get tired of me going to the beach and pretending I have it bad here. Well, let me lend a machete to your intellectual thicket...it is tough. I am studying all week long and then there is this weather. The humidity is so bad that when you get out of your truck with air conditioning, that your sunglasses condensate and you lose sight temporarily. It wasn't too bad until the day I got out of my truck next to moving propeller blades...and you thought you got a good shave with your electric, multiple spinning blades, razor.