Saturday, June 30, 2007

A Week Filled With

The past week was very slow and lazy, mostly because I was sick. I don't know if it was that I was sick to my stomach at the realization that nobody commented on my blog or sent me an e-mail or what...but I haven't felt well for a few days. Actually, I had a few sims at the first of the week, then a night flight Wednesday. After the repeated ups and downs of the takeoffs and landings, my head felt like it was going to explode. I had a lot of pressure in my head and behind my ears. I cancelled a flight on Thursday and went to the flight doc on Friday morning. I found out that I had a viral infection in my sinus cavities. I spent all day Wednesday in bed (before the flight), Thursday in bed (until I woke up to cancel), and Friday in bed. I am writing this a day earlier than usual because I am bored and about to go insane. I have never spent this much time in bed in my life. Luckily, I am one of the furthest ahead in my class, so it isn't going to hamper my progress towards getting done. I am close to two weeks ahead of some of my classmates. Here is a summary of what I did this past week:
Candi has been even more pampering than normal (I am sure she didn't think it could get worse) and I really appreciate it. The sponge baths are nice and feeding me grapes while fanning me with peacock feathers, really can't be beat. I think if she wasn't here I would probably have spent the last three days in the fetal position.

Other than that, not a lot to report. Peaches, one of my roommates, had another week of doing one or two events. At this rate, he may graduate next year some time.
Candi's mother, Vita, had here first treatment of chemotherapy Friday and we wish her the best. I guess my viral infection isn't quite as bad as I think. Randy and Vita are also moving into their new house this coming week and we are so excited for them.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Bad Weather Week and Friends Visit

Well, the week was pretty uneventful. I had my checkride and solo on Monday, which I mentioned in the last post, and then I had a few simulator rides and one night flight which was cancelled due to weather. However, the weekend was eventful because we had some wanna-be fighter jockeys over from Del Rio. It was very difficult for them to leave the friendly confines of Laughlin AFB, but the allure of more than two places to eat and same colored girls must have persuaded them. Thanks to my little ball of hate, Strube, for standing us up by not coming with everyone.

Pauliana (Paul) Baker, Jason Righart, Butters (Ian Alexander), and Butter's girlfriend Tiffany graced us with their presence. We had some good times despite the bad weather. Luckily, the weather broke for a few hours so we could go to the beach, although the water was warmer than the air temperature.

We also went up to Port Aransas (15 miles up the island coastline) where we ate and saw a bunch?...herd?...gaggle? dolphins playing in the ocean channel. It was pretty cool and it cost a lot less than Sea World, although I didn't get a souvenir cup.

For those of you who were wondering, Candi's mother will start her chemotherapy treatment this Friday (pushed back from last Friday). We would appreciate your continued thoughts and prayers.

Lastly, I would like to acknowledge the hard work that my roommate (Peaches...a.k.a. Jamie) put in this last week. He did one event (not graded) and slept all of last week. He truly personifies the dedication and commitment it takes to be in the military. Hang in there Peaches, one day the pace will slow down and you will be able to catch your breathe.

Please slow down on flooding me with your comments and e-mails...wait...nevermind...I was just dreaming that you all cared. Until next time, I hope none of you die, since it would be a bad day for you to take a dirt nap without being in my good graces!

Monday, June 18, 2007

A Couple of Weeks Gone By

I had not updated the blog in a couple of weeks, mainly due to the fact that I am, well...lazy. Actually, there just hadn't been a lot going on in the land of heat and humidity. I think you are all starting to get tired of me going to the beach and pretending I have it bad here. Well, let me lend a machete to your intellectual is tough. I am studying all week long and then there is this weather. The humidity is so bad that when you get out of your truck with air conditioning, that your sunglasses condensate and you lose sight temporarily. It wasn't too bad until the day I got out of my truck next to moving propeller blades...and you thought you got a good shave with your electric, multiple spinning blades, razor.

However, today changed all that. Today was my first checkride and solo in the T-44A. I passed the checkride and they let me fly a little bit solo...actually with another student as my co-pilot...but, solo here is without an instructor. I came close to getting some grass stains on the tires, but I ended up matching my takeoffs with my landings...the latter of which are mandatory. I appreciate all of the prayers and thoughts that helped me get this far and past this momentous point.

Other than that, here is the usual good life pictures including my beautiful wife, the starfish that ate Zoe's head, the small dingys that I am contemplating buying, and the hard life that my dog has each day.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

They giveth and they taketh away

I found out that the Navy is a bunch of Native American presenters (or Indian givers for you non-politically correct type). They give you two engines and then they take one away. I didn't get three flights under my belt before they started killing one engine and making me fly with just one. I know you have to be ready for the worst case scenario, but I am not Chuck Yeager.

I flew four times this past week (Monday was a holiday) and they all went pretty good. The planes are all old, so we keep having maintenance delays and having to get new planes because the ones we are suppose to fly are busted. I feel pretty lucky when I finally get to takeoff with nothing wrong, but then the thought is going through my mind that I just missed something and I will soon be giving the plane a pressure wash with salt water.

On the bright side, we finally made the decision to purchase a boat so we could fit in with the neighbors (their boat is below).
I figured yellow would draw more I just have to find a name for the back of the boat. I am considering "Dingy-aling" or "Money CAN Buy You Everything" or something else to show that I have finally made it to the richers. Take a look at my boat and tell me what you think would be good. I also might need to get a bigger lift.
We had some people over on Saturday and I was myself and had to be the center of attention. I decided to jump from the upper deck into the waterway.
We also can not get our dog out of the water. Zoe swims for more than fifteen/twenty minutes until I or one of the roommates goes to herd her back to the dock.
Candi is doing well working from her lavish office suite. She continues to work, clean, wash clothes, cook, etc. all while being the best wife one could ask for. I really couldn't get through the work week without her help, it has been great having her here.
We found out Candi's mom's cancer has come back. She starts chemotherapy this month and, hopefully, this will knock it out of her system for good. The doctors found a small spot on her liver and are very optimistic the chemo will take care of it. Please pray with us that she will keep her strength, get rid of the cancer, and remain in good spirits for a long, healthy life.